What is behind "Gr"
We would like to be a Group (social group) that is mindful of these "Gr's"

We are a group of people who are taking on the challenge of developing services that can be deployed globally and connect the world without being bound by boundaries.

We are a group that keeps our aspirations high and wide, thinks one step ahead, and provides advanced services.

We are a group of people who continue to strive for creativity and ingenuity regardless of one's educational background, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, or social status.
What is behind "C"
We would like to be a Company that is mindful of these "C's"

We are striving to improve our services with the consumer in mind.
We are striving to be responsive and considerate of our partners and customers.

We are striving to create reliable services and support for our customers and partners.

We are challenging business in the areas of "Cross-border E-Commerce", "Consumer to Consumer" and "Direct to Consumer."
Our Principles
Think and act innovatively
Take the lead
Be humble